
A Rush Visit to Sydney

Due to our unexpected visit to Fiji, our stay in Sydney was limited to two days only. But, since we arrived well rested from our business class flight, we decided to go explore right away.

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An Unexpected Stop in Fiji

  • Fiji

Our last stop before settling down in Melbourne was supposed to be Sydney. After flying out from Seattle and than Los Angeles, we landed in Fiji at six in the morning. Our transfer to Sydney was not for another three hours, so exhausted we laid down to catch some sleep.

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Monthly Recap: April 2015

In April 2015, we visited five countries: Colombia, United States, Canada, Fiji, and Australia. Two weeks ago we summarized Colombia, and now it is time for the remainder of the month. After Colombia, we visited the Pacific Northwest, before spending an unexpected day in Fiji. We settled down in Melbourne, but not after we briefly visited Sydney.

Continue reading Monthly Recap: April 2015

About Us

We, Mark & Herta, are currently backpacking through Europe, and eventually planning to settle in London. Beyond that? The possibilities are endless.

Read Mark & Herta’s full story.

We are currently in … London